Imagination Station opens!
Best of Luck to Sinéad on the opening of her new After School 'Imagination Station' - a very exciting development for her and our school!
History in Second Class
Second Class are learning about playground games in History! All part of our work towards Active School Flag too!
World Book Day
As part of our preparations for World Book Day today many classes visited Castle Book Shop on Castle Street. We say a big thanks to David...
Pancake Tuesday
Smells of pancakes wafted through the corridors here with many smiling faces following them. Traces of Nutella embellished the big grins....
Quiz Night March 9th 2018
Message from EilÃs Treacy, Chairperson of our Parents' Association PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Dear Parent/Guardians We invite you, parents...
Lá na Pancóga/Pancake Tuesday
Second Class started early today and learned how to make pancakes in advance of Pancake Tuesday tomorrow! Smells wafted through the...
Jersey Choice
Scroll down using the grey bar and remember to Submit! You need to enter your name to vote! Click here to access the form
Homes and Houses in Senior Infants
In Senior Infants we have been learning about different types of homes and houses. We spoke about the different homes that we know:...
Safer Internet Day Assembly
We celebrated #saferinternetday with a whole school assembly, led by Second Class on the safe use of the Internet. We also included the...
6th Class Updates!
Skye King won a gold medal in Savate in Budapest lately. She holds the world title in her category. Ashling Treacy received the award...